For 20+ years, I #pwned search results for the term “Neal Bauer” on #Google. During the pandemic, I let my guard down and some filthy, unshaven thing has unrightfully taken my top spot. ಠ_ಠ

This. Will. Not. Stand.

Ok, you’ve got my attention, “Neal Bauer.” I hope you are ready for a fight as I’m going in, guns a’blazin’ to, reclaim my rightful spot at the top of the search algorithm.

Oh, it is ON!

Crushing My Enemies – 2023 SEO/SEM Challenge


This is all tongue and cheek, of course, as I hold no animosity or ill will towards this impostor. What I show in this video is how to quickly regain the top spot in Google through a few page updates, naming conventions, and using assets that already exist on #youtube , #tiktok , and #instagram.

In 7-10 days, I will post a follow-up video showing the results of this exercise. Wish me luck, #linkedin! 🙂

#searchengineoptimization #tipsandtricks #seo #sem #howto #searchenginemarketing #algorithm #ranking #results #video